NEWS 2019/10/19
Tokyo Taboo released there 2nd single “Whiskey” on the 4th Oct, following up from their 1st Studio album 6th Street Psychosis (2017) and the single “No Pleasure Only Pain” (2018). So taking the opportunity whilst they were on the line up to play at Butlins Skegness on The Introducing stage on the day of the release of “Whiskey”, it was only fitting that we took the time to ask a few questions about the single and a little more info on there brilliant live stage show. After a long drive up to Skegness they took to the stage in front front of a packed Big Top, being the last band of the day on this stage was not to be off putting at all for them, lets just say they smashed it and came out overall winners of the audience vote and will play the main stage next year. Dolly showing her amazing v...