NEWS 2021/02/16
Florida death metal legend Terry Butler (Obituary, Death, Massacre, Six Feet Under) has joined up with fellow former Massacre members Jeramie Kling (also of Venom Inc, The Absence, Goregang) on drums/vocals and Taylor Nordberg ( The Absence, Goregang) on guitar to form Inhuman Condition. The trio is currently in the studio at Kling and Nordberg’s own Smoke & Mirrors Productions in Spring Hill, Florida finishing up the group’s debut album. A teaser video featuring a demo mix of a song can be viewed below. On the formation of the band, Nordberg said: “Jeramie and I can’t wait to finally release these songs! Him and I wrote the album back in September of 2019, and after we left Massacre last fall we wanted to keep the songs alive but under a different flag. Enter: Terry Butler on bass...