NEWS 2020/03/08
The dictionary defines equality as ‘the state of being equal, especially in status, rights or opportunities.’ Synonyms include words such as fairness, justness, impartiality, egalitarianism, emancipation, freedom, justice and many more. As a concept it seems straightforward enough; as a reality it is proving anything but straightforward, and continues to cause much bloodshed, debate, anger, angst and distress. It is an enormous topic to describe, define and consider. It affects each of us very differently depending on the area of our lives, or others, to whom we are attributing the scenario. READ THIS: 11 songs bands have written about other artists To take one example – that of women in the arts and entertainment industry – International Women’s Day is an opportunity to hi...
【限定】Order In Decline(限定特典:缶バッジ付き)
世界各国のフェスを席巻し、自身のツアーも軒並みソールドアウト。 完全復活、バンド史上最高の状態にあるメタルパンクロックバンド SUM 41が送る自身7枚目のフルアルバム! !