NEWS 2019/10/17
Any metal fans worth their salt must occasionally admit that a mash-up of a classic metal track and a ridiculous pop track is in fact pretty great, even if they hate themselves for it. That’s what a good mash-up should be — absolutely laughable for the most part, but also surprising in how well the two tracks being used work together. This happened to us earlier this year, when someone combined Deftones and Britney Spears with surprisingly satisfying results. And it’s happened again with this mash-up of Slipknot and Spice Girls. The mutant bastard child is called — wait for it — If You Wanna Breathe My Sulfur, which should tell you all you need to know about the two songs used to create it. The fact that it’...
We Are Not Your Kind
アイオワが産んだ猟奇趣味的激烈音楽集団、スリップノット。数々の苦難&受難を乗り越え、いよいよ完全復活を果たす―――― 通算6枚目となるニュー・アルバム『ウィー・アー・ノット・ユア・カインド』をロードランナーよりリリース! !