NEWS 2021/06/22
Sinister deathcore unit Ov Sulfur are gearing up for the release of their debut EP, titled Oblivion, which is set to release on August 6. After a decade away from music, vocalist Ricky Hoover, who built a reputation around his wrathful vocal attack throughout the early-mid ’00s with Suffokate, returns with an upgraded sense of vocal brutality and bulk. Equipped with a set of dominant musical abilities and songwriting powers of their own, the ferociously blackened project comes rounded out by guitarist Chase Wilson, guitarist Cory Walker, drummer Parker Adsit, and bassist Taylor Adsit. Released as the third single off of the band’s upcoming EP, Ov Sulfur offers their latest music video for self-titled track, “Oblivion.” The behemoth of a song is intensified by infer...
メタルコアの帝王がついに復活! ティム・ランベシス(ヴォーカル)が復帰し、活動を再開させたアズ・アイ・レイ・ダイングが7年ぶりとなる待望の復活アルバム『シェイプド・バイ・ファイア』を発表! メロディックにテクニカルに、そしてアグレッシヴに進化した最高傑作が完成!