NEWS 2021/03/05
Five years is entirely too long to go without a new album from God’s Hate. Well, the wait is nearly over, the heaviest band in all the land, will be dropping their next album on March 12, 2021 via Closed Casket Activities. To get you properly whipped up for the drop, the garish garrison of heavy fisted ax-grinders has now released the self-titled track from the album which you can check out below: Tracked at The Pit in Van Nuys, CA, by Colin’s brother Taylor Young (Twitching Tongues, ZOUS) between August 2019 and the summer of 2020, God’s Hate marks a significant lineup shift for the band.This time, Colin, King, and guitarist Anthonie Gonzalez are joined by Twitching Tongues bassist Alec Faber, Taylor Young on lead guitar, and third guitarist Martin Stewart, while Colin m...