NEWS 2019/12/03
First single off the upcoming album WAVES, out on 24th January 2020. It's been 13 long years until Wolfheart / Before the Dawn mastermind Tuomas Saukkonen returns with his hotly anticipated, sophomore solo-album under the flag of DAWN OF SOLACE. January 24th 2020 will see the Death and Gothic Doom Metal icon release his brand new album, Waves, on Noble Demon. Waves will be taking the listener on a dark trip of melodic doom soundscapes, this is an unchained and exciting affair feeding off of melancholy and progressive rock majesty – an unpredictable mixture soaring to glorious waves! Pre-Order / Pre-Save: debut album THE DARKNESS: For more information about DAWN OF SOLACE: --- Follow the band here: https://www.i...