NEWS 2022/08/30
Murmurations, the new upcoming abum from EVEREST QUEEN, combines crushing riffs with new found explorations into spacey post-metal, ambient textures and drone. It’s also their most personal record yet, dealing with some dark and cathartic issues and themes. The band shared two new singles off of the record and you can check both of them below. For fans of Cult Of Luna, Bossk, Elephant Tree, Mastodon, Sleep. Murmurations by Everest Queen Trepanation Recordings proudly present the sophomore album from Hertfordshire, UK based post-sludge metal band EVEREST QUEEN. Murmurations will be released on CD, tape and digital on September 30th 2022. This long awaited follow up to their 2019 debut Dead Eden shows a growth and deepening of Everest Queen’s sound, finding their most detailed an...