NEWS 2019/08/09
From the cradle to the grave, the soundtrack to Jenna McDougall’s life is as colourful as Tonight Alive’s own music. Here she shares the 10 songs that changed everything for her. The first song I remember hearing… Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody (1975) “I remember hearing this because it was such an epic journey of a song. My dad was a massive Queen fan when I was growing up. I remember, I recently found a piece of paper with my childhood scribbled handwriting on it, and I was trying to write the lyrics out to Bohemian Rhapsody, but they were all wrong. I was doing it from memory, and the ‘b’s and ‘d’s are backwards (laughs)!” The song that reminds me of my childhood… S Club 7 – Bring It All Back (1999) “Why not? It’s S Club 7! I danced and sang to this in a talent contest i...