NEWS 2019/07/19
Slipknot have already toured Europe this year and they'll head back overseas next year on a 2020 tour consisting of 27 stops. The trek will be the masked troupe's first European run after the release of their sixth album, We Are Not Your Kind, which comes out Aug. 9. Slipknot will perform in 17 countries, hitting the United Kingdom the hardest with a total of eight stops in that territory alone. As of this time, the group has yet to reveal the exact dates of the tour, only naming the cities and their respective countries, all of which can be seen below.
Tag : Slipknot/
We Are Not Your Kind
アイオワが産んだ猟奇趣味的激烈音楽集団、スリップノット。数々の苦難&受難を乗り越え、いよいよ完全復活を果たす―――― 通算6枚目となるニュー・アルバム『ウィー・アー・ノット・ユア・カインド』をロードランナーよりリリース! !