NEWS 2020/05/29
Born around 2018, Virginity are three piece from the Florida area of the U.S. and include Casey Crawford – vocals & guitar, Jim Nefferdorf – drums & bkg vocals Jordan Shroyer – bass & bkg vocals. The ‘Death To Party’ EP seems to be born from an anxiety filled writing session, or at least that’s the feel you get from the contents in the most part. ‘Bad Call’ is the first track to get a full airing as a video, with its full on worry of dying from a cold, can be the be all and end all of your whole world, was not what was expected. That said, it does fit in well with the paranoia and anxiety that feeds through a big chunk of this EP. Songs written from an older perspective that cover areas of life that can only be seen when the bulletproof feeling of youth has fallen by the ways...