NEWS 2020/10/02
Hey everyone, I hope you all cool and staying safe and sane. Pretty much everything is going to shit, but at least we have music. And with that in mind, here are a bunch of new things that I think are cool and I’m supporting on my show… Soul Glo Songs To Yeet At The Sun is an incredible title for an EP, definitely one of the best this year. The music Soul Glo rip on their new EP is also rad. Careening from breakneck fast hardcore to hip-hop and punk rock in an effortless fashion is a beautiful thing that’s rare to be able to pull off without sounding try-hard, but they rule and make it look natural and easy. It’s coming out on Jeremy from Touché Amoré’s label, Secret Voice, at the start of November. Eyes Oh you want some new nihilistic angular hardcore to scream along to as...