NEWS 2020/03/03
Venom Prison singer Larissa Stupar has a history. One involving an emo phase, sneaking out to skate parks, and nu-metal anthems… The first song that I remember hearing… Tears For Fears – Head Over Heels (1985) “I grew up in Russia until I was 10, so a lot of the music there was Russian. But I remember my parents constantly listening to Tears For Fears because in the ‘90s we were just catching up in Russia – it takes everything a lot longer to get there, or at least it used to. When I hear it, it makes me think of being five years old and running around in our massive garden, playing with our dogs and cats, and having an amazing childhood.” The first song I ever moshed to… Terror – Keep Your Mouth Shut (2004) “I was about 16 or 17 when I started going to hard...