NEWS 2021/02/03
Sometimes when you’ve had a bad day and all seems lost, what you really need is some noise to shake the brain cells and finish off the job that started when you first awoke. So enter Nopes, this being the bands third album, and actually a less “what the hell are they singing about” affair (well a little anyway), I’m not sure that you can have a heart to heart with the band on the lyrical content, at least no until you have dragged the loose wax out of your ears after its been heated to boiling point. Anyway, lets drop the needle, hit play or tap the screen, which ever floats your boat. ‘Pocket Square Motherfucker’ hits you squarely on the jaw with a scratchy noise filled power that punches the hell out of any ideas that this is gonna be a chill out 30 mins or so. Bringing angst to the t...