NEWS 2021/09/06
When Lars Ulrich discovered his new favourite band just before the world shut down, the little known Bokassa found themselves supporting Metallica in some of the biggest venues Europe has to offer. Thankfully, despite having friends in high places, the Norwegian trio still sound like they reside in the gutter. The magnificently titled Molotov Rocktail is a suitably explosive mess of hard rock and punk filth with a bite like a junkyard dog. That isn’t to say it relies on aggression alone. After the spacey intro of Freelude ushers in the noise, So Long Idiots! rides in on a huge rumbling bass and wailing licks. It’s raw and ragged in places, but they also have a knack for beautifully crafted melodies and sing-along hooks. Pitchforks R Us brings in a cheerle...