NEWS 2020/03/24
A lot of new music passes through the Kerrang! offices on a daily basis, from pop-punk to gore metal. And while we like plenty of what we receive, there are just some tracks that we need to tell the world about the minute we hear them. Welcome to Listen To This, a new weekly column where we share five new songs that make us excited to be rock fans. For everyone out there looking for something new and interesting to start off their week, get in here – you’ve got to hear this stuff. *** Week two of quarantine proper begins to test the limits of how much isolation even shut-ins are willing to undertake. However, plenty of musicians around the world are doing their part by releasing both awesome new material and rare old goodies to please their adoring public. Here are five tracks that’ll...
【限定】Order In Decline(限定特典:缶バッジ付き)
世界各国のフェスを席巻し、自身のツアーも軒並みソールドアウト。 完全復活、バンド史上最高の状態にあるメタルパンクロックバンド SUM 41が送る自身7枚目のフルアルバム! !