NEWS 2019/08/02
Black metal, industrial, noise and techno ear-shatterers VMO aka Violent Magic Orchestra is teaming up with art black metal infused experimental 10-piece VAMPILLIA to take their breathtaking show with insane visuals, aberrant strobe lights, and a unique, cinematic mixture of various genres, for a string of European shows this Summer, with 3 French shows featuring Neige from ALCEST as a guest vocalist! The tour will include performances at Brutal Assault festival in Czech Republic (Vampillia and VMO), Spirit in Black festival in Colmar, France (only Vampillia) and MOTOCULTOR FESTIVAL in Brittany, France (only Vampillia). Artificial act of god – digest by Vampillia 10th.Aug – Brutal Assault w/CARCASS / CASPIAN / NAPALM DEATH / and more Jaromer Czech Republic 13th.Aug – Dru...