NEWS 2021/01/27
Musical statements like the newest split between CIENFUEGOS and DE CARNE E FLOR, able to carry so much weight yet seeming so beautiful and so natural, and all without the full length record time, are few and far between. A couple of weeks since its release on Selo Preto and No Funeral Records, this captivating split showcases the work of staggering complexity and immense beauty, remaining an under-recognized 4-track masterpiece, whose echoes should be heard throughout much of the finest post rock inspired post hardcore and screamo music issued in recent years. Sonic wise, Cienfuegos creates a restrained brand of screamo, heavy with samples, and intense emotional parts, not unlike bands such as Raein, kafka., and tdoafs. De Carne e Flor, on the other hand, brings a much more polished s...