NEWS 2020/08/17
Hardcore titans Hatebreed haven’t been able to keep up with their usual days-off-are-for-posers policy on touring this year. Boo and hiss. But, with their usual intense PMA, Jamey Jasta’s crew have instead turned to the beer game, teaming up with Connecticut’s Witchdoctor Brewing Company to set up their own Breedbrew brand, and releasing their first tipple, Live For This Lager. “During a time of uncertainty for many, we were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to partner up and work ‘hands on’ with Witchdoctor Brewing Company in Southington, Connecticut to bring you ‘Live For This’ lager,” says bassist Chris Beattie. “Teaming up with Witchdoctor’s award-winning master brewer Robert Todd, we were able to delive...