NEWS 2020/07/14
July 3th saw the official release of British metalcore stalwarts Bury Tomorrow’s sixth studio album Cannibal on Music for Nations, a truly superb piece of work (read our review here). Just prior to its much anticipated release, we caught up with bassist and founding member Davyd Winter-Bates to talk Cannibal, how it’s been waiting an additional three months for its release and the metalcore genre they’re looking to conquer. With the album announced back in January with an original release date of April 3rd, it’s been a somewhat monumental wait for both band and fans for it to come out. As expected, there’s a degree of relief to it coming out, with Winter-Bates noting, “Relieved I think is the best way to describe it. It’s been not an ideal approach to a new campaign but I’m finally really ...
メタルコアの帝王がついに復活! ティム・ランベシス(ヴォーカル)が復帰し、活動を再開させたアズ・アイ・レイ・ダイングが7年ぶりとなる待望の復活アルバム『シェイプド・バイ・ファイア』を発表! メロディックにテクニカルに、そしてアグレッシヴに進化した最高傑作が完成!