Ziggy Lebon Channels His Angst into His EP ‘FOOA (Fear of Old Age)’ [Premiere]

For many, the struggle is real, and it’s something that Ziggy Lebon is very much tapped into. The struggle we’re referring to is the one you see and observe each day. It’s a constant hustle out there for young people and they’re not too pleased about it. Having lived it himself, Lebon can relate. So he poured all of this inspiration into his songwriting, with his new EP FOOA (Fear of Old Age) being the result. The EP is a musical interpretation of the uncertainties and insecurities facing the Millennial generation. You hear about it a lot in the news, with the cost of living crisis, the unaffordability of homes and having children. Add in career demands and the negative effects of digital isolation and these are not ideal circumstances for young people.  Discussing the roots of the inspir...

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