NEWS 2020/10/07
It says a lot about Angus Young’s generosity of spirit that on the day that AC/DC launched their new single, Shot In The Dark, the guitarist took time to eulogise his fellow player Eddie Van Halen, who passed away yesterday. Posting on AC/DC’s social media accounts Angus issued a statement that matches the way so many of us are feeling and outlined Eddie’s unique qualities. “Eddie was a guitar wonder, his playing pure wizardry. To the world of music he was a special gift. To those for us fortunate enough to have met him, a very special person. He leaves a big hole in a lot of hearts. To the van Halen family my heartfelt sympathies – Angus.” — AC/DC (@acdc) Wed Oct 07 02:53:26 +0000 2020 Angus is acutely aware of what loss feels like. The passing...