Super Monster Party Member Rei Sega Gets Nerdy with His Top 10 Video Games

There is nothing more awesome in this world than video games and metal. With two perfect bed partners, it makes sense that there is a band out there that combines the two. I know there is probably more than just one band, but none of them can be as nerdy as the quite brilliant Super Monster Party, who live, breathe, eat and sleep video games. Super Monster Party are a band for all video game nerds, jump ‘n’ run enthusiasts, metalheads, 90s kids, weirdos, and everyone in between – a metal band that’s all about video games, singing from the heroes or villains’ introspective point of view. Having just released their new album, Rage Quit, we sat down with Rei Sega from the band to see how nerdy he can really get with his Top Ten obscure video games… 1. Super Mario Bros. (1985) “To ...

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