NEWS 2019/11/04
Due grandi novità in casa Social Distortion. La seminale punk rock band californiana ha annunciato che entrerà in studio a Gennaio 2020 per cominciare i lavori del successore di “Hard Times And Nursery Rhymes” del 2011. Queste le parole di Mike Ness: “We’re scheduled loosely to go into the studio in January. But after this October show, we get back into pre-production and the good news is that in the last 15 years, there’s songs that didn’t get used but feel like they’ve just been written, there’s new songs and I think we came up with 23 songs right now. I have to go through those and pick the best 12 or pick the ones that work best together. The other good news is that we might shock everyone and put two records out in two years. People aren’t going to know how to act.” (qui l...