Shot Down Twice are Smoking Hot on Their New Single “Talk To Me” [Premiere]

Loud, proud, and completely uninhibited, Shot Down Twice is throwing it down with their brand new single “Talk To Me.” This is a new side to the rock heavyweights; a more intense, fiercer version, intent on continuing to pump out those arena rock-charged tracks that you just can’t live without. The song has an ’80s rock fervour to it, a reminder of what rock used to sound like when everything wasn’t so calculated and overthought. It’s completely in line with the band’s stated intention, of writing and recording loud songs with loud guitars, loud vocals, impassioned lyrics, and tying it all together into no holds barred, arena-ready performances that they introduced on their 2020 debut EP Got Up Once and will continue to explore on their forthcoming self-titled sophomore EP, due out January...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon