New Friends Fest is a (formerly) annual celebration of loud, cathartic, passionate DIY punk bands from across Canada and the world. With a new venue, more stages, and more bands than ever before, the organizers hope to make this their most special fest yet. The festival operates on an ethos of radical inclusivity, aiming to encourage a diverse artistic scene in Toronto and elsewhere, where audience members can see themselves and their identities reflected in the performers they see on stage. The line up looks sick, and includes: Gospel, Loma Prieta, Cerce, Dangers, Respire, Joliette, Øjne, Nuvolascura, Senza, Fern Sully, NØ MAN, Clavel, Sonagi, Shy, Low, Foxtails, Frail Body, Indisposed, Obroa-Skai, Hawak, Frail Hands, Terry Green, Life in Vacuum, Botfly, awakebutstilinbed, Locktender, Yea...