NEWS 2021/02/10
It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day and Marshall Gallagher is feeling good. Yesterday, the United States drew a line under four years of Donald Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric and divisionary reign, swearing in its 46th President, Joe Biden. Today, Teenage Wrist’s singer and guitarist has woken up with a bounce in his boots, filling his lungs with the fresh air of optimism as he heads out for a wander around the sun-dappled streets of Koreatown, Los Angeles. The grim, sobering reality of the bigger picture still looms large over everything, but this isn’t a moment for dwelling on the negatives. Today is for celebration, for renewal, for life and for living. “The sun is out, it’s a beautiful day and I get to go outside, which might not sound like much...
Foo Fighters
1.This Is a Call 2.I'll Stick Around 3.Big Me 4.Alone + Easy Target 5.Good Grief 6.Floaty 7.Weenie Beenie 8.Oh, George 9.For All the Cows 10.X-Static 11.Wattershed 12.Exhausted