NEWS 2020/12/08
In times of political and social chaos, people need an outlet so, what better time than now for the release of a new Hatebreed record? Last week, the metallic hardcore veterans released their new studio offering, Weight of the False Self, so we caught up with guitarist Frank Novinec to talk about the inspiration behind the record, the relationship with their fans and his thoughts on the future of America. Hey Frank, thanks for your time, how’s it going? Frank Novinec: “It’s going good, thanks. The response has been pretty good to the record and it’s just nice to have the record out after so long. It’s been about what four years? So yeah, if we can’t put a smile on people’s faces and help them forget about life for a while from the stage then hopefully this record will do that instead.” It’...
We Are Not Your Kind
アイオワが産んだ猟奇趣味的激烈音楽集団、スリップノット。数々の苦難&受難を乗り越え、いよいよ完全復活を果たす―――― 通算6枚目となるニュー・アルバム『ウィー・アー・ノット・ユア・カインド』をロードランナーよりリリース! !