NEWS 2020/03/30
Blackcast The American dream San Diego, CA Metalcore Links: Comment:"We think our new single, "The American Dream" will show that we are still able to bring the heavy sound and message that we have been known for. Not only that, but they will also notice what the new lineup can bring as well. We have the best supporters in the world and we want to continue bringing them the hard-hitting sound they have known us for. We also like to mention this song is about the struggles of immigrants and their journey in getting to the USA. It's a hard journey that unfortunately gets overlooked sometimes." _____________ The Circle Pit ⌁ Subscribe...
メタルコアの帝王がついに復活! ティム・ランベシス(ヴォーカル)が復帰し、活動を再開させたアズ・アイ・レイ・ダイングが7年ぶりとなる待望の復活アルバム『シェイプド・バイ・ファイア』を発表! メロディックにテクニカルに、そしてアグレッシヴに進化した最高傑作が完成!