NEWS 2021/04/21
Belvedere präsentieren uns mit Camera Obscura eine weitere Hörprobe aus ihrem kommenden Album Hindsight Is The Sixth Sense. Das insgesamt sechste Studioalbum der Kanadier wird am 14. Mai 2021 über ihre neuen Labels Thousand Island Records (Nordamerika) und Lockjaw Records (Europa) erscheinen. Sänger Steve Rawles zur neuen Single: Camera Obscura is a story that envisions the end of your life and all the mixed feelings that you could potentially feel right before the final moment. Did I do enough? Was I good enough for the people around me? Did I make an impact on the world or did I just simply draw from it. Is there anything after this and if so.. why is there rules around following a deity based on others interpretations? Isn’t being moral without religion enough? A collection of th...