NEWS 2020/04/16
Got a hat? Good, then hold on to it, because Asking Alexandria have just dropped a banging new single from their soon-to-be-released Like A House On Fire, out May 15. The follow-up to last single Antisocialist is a big, bad rebellious anthem. Just as the band intended… “We all have a rebellious side, and Down to Hell is a big ol’, rebellious rock’n’roll song reminiscent of From Death To Destiny,” says guitarist Ben Bruce. “From the minute the song starts to the very last note the energy doesn’t stop! It’s a headbanger from start to finish and I cannot wait to play this one live!” Check it out below. READ THIS: Danny Worsnop: The 10 songs that changed my life Speaking to Kerrang! about the album recently, Ben reckoned that the al...