NEWS 2019/12/06
Anti-Flag präsentieren uns mit Unbreakable eine weitere Vorab-Single aus ihrem neuen Album 20/20 Vision. Das Musikvideo zum Song, das von The Critics Company, ein Kollektiv aus jungen Filmemachern aus Nigeria, gedreht wurde, findet ihr am Ende des Beitrags. Bassist und Sänger Chris#2 zur Zusammenarbeit mit The Critics Company: „I saw this on Twitter and I thought there was nothing more in the spirit of punk rock, of DIY ethics, than what these kids were doing. As their story began to spread and people from Anti-Flag to JJ Abrams were celebrating these kids, I thought ask them if they’d want to make a music video. They said yes, immediately, even in the chaos of them going from 100 followers to over 10,000 in a day. This to me is what technology, the internet, all of the things that h...