NEWS 2021/09/30
Tom DeLonge’s Angels & Airwaves has been around for over 15 years now. Just let that sink in for a moment. A founding member of Blink-182 has another project that is now the age of a pissed-off teenager, the same age range to which Blink-182 appealed in their early days. This said, Angels & Airwaves are a very different breed to that of Blink-182’s brand of pop-punk, at least the early days of said band. Now, with their sixth studio album, LIFEFORMS, about to drop, the question remains, is DeLonge yet able to differentiate Angels & Airwaves enough from Blink 182? Are they able to stand as their own entity rather than a Tom DeLonge side project? While each individual will have to draw their own conclusions, I’m afraid my opinion is still, not quite. Like all Angels & Airwave...