Don’t Make PRIZEFIGHTER’s Debut Single “An Afterthought” [Premiere]

It’s the big reveal party for Zach Zyla and you’re all invited. Under the name PRIZEFIGHTER, the singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and audio engineer is pleased to be unveiling his debut single today, “An Afterthought.” The song is anything but an afterthought, a strong first statement of his musical prowess, with more to come on his forthcoming debut album Somewhere Between Here & There, due out in the new year. Armed with experience, knowledge, and nerve, Zyla brings a creative approach to the table, combining vocal talent with a strong technical acumen that comes from his background as an audio engineer. Rather than hire musicians, producers, and engineers to assist, Zyla would rather just all do it himself, his own way, wearing as many hats as are required to get the...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon