NEWS 2020/11/24
If you’re going to try and make a metal song considerably more fancy, Avenged Sevenfold’s twisted A Little Piece Of Heaven doesn’t necessarily make the most amount of sense. Nevertheless, the awesome Ten Second Songs along with Violet Orlandi has recreated the 2007 track in the style of The Phantom Of The Opera, and it’s both an epic and creepy listen. While Heaven… certainly does have many theatrical qualities about it (this recent song breakdown by the band goes into a ton of detail and is absolutely fascinating), lyrics like, ‘Must have stabbed her fifty fucking times’ and, ‘Ripped her heart out right before her eyes’ somehow feel even more sinister when sung in the style of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s 1986 musical… Read this: 8 ...
2010 release, the fifth album from the Alt-Metal outfit, produced by Mike Elizondo (Dr. Dre, Eminem) and mixed by noted engineer Andy Wallace. The album is the first from the band without drummer James the Rev Sullivan, who passed away in December. Dream Theater drummer Mike Portnoy plays drums on the album. Over the years, Avenged Sevenfold has built a fanatical fan base that includes more than one million fans on Facebook. They have also attracted 93 million plays on MySpace.