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Suzi Moon releases video for ’99 Miles to Pasadena’

The Armed’s Tony Wolski discusses his favorite albums of 2023

The Tony Slug Experience veröffentlicht erste Single

コザック前田 (ガガガSP)、依存症との闘いを描いた特集番組が公開に

Stereo Six: Chasing Airplanes Divy Up Some of Their Favourite Records

Tours: Chuck Ragan and The Camaraderie announce UK tour

Tours: Chuck Ragan and The Camaraderie announce UK tour

The Punk Site 2023 Top 40: #19 Koyo – Would You Miss It?

Bayline Released New Album “I Choose Love”

The original FIDDLEHEAD (1990-1995): rediscovering a lost gem of post hardcore and noise rock

The Carolyn Released “Harmful History” EP

King of Heck to release new album, share “Army of OK”

King of Heck to release new album, share “Army of OK”

Jimmy Montague: “All the Same” (ft. Chris Farren)

Jimmy Montague: “All the Same” (ft. Chris Farren)

Boysetsfire Celebrate 30th Anniversary With European Tour

Harm’s Way tell us about their 10 favorite albums of 2023

The organic art of minimalism: unpacking BEIGE PALACE’s ‘Making Sounds For Andy’”

The Dreaded Laramie sign to Smartpunk Records, release new song

The Dreaded Laramie sign to Smartpunk Records, release new song

Perp Walk Released “Permacrisis” EP

Breaking down the Avant-Garde: SAN LEO’s ‘Aves Raras’

Sweet Pill tell us about their favorite albums of 2023

Violent Reaction Crew Fest geht 2024 in 3. Auflage

Colorado chaotic post hardcore pioneers ANGEL HAIR resurface with new reissue, share timeless inspirations

Convertible – Holst Gate II LP (Noise Appeal Records)

Colin Keenan Premieres His Music Video for “Cruel World” Single

Tours: Hot Mulligan / Free Throw / Just Friends / Charmer (US)

Arm’s Length, Carly Cosgrove, Ben Quad & Saturdays At Your Place announce tour

Softcult share new single, Heaven: “This song describes a world where everyone is accepted for who they are”

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unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon