RC95 is a new Boston based punk and video project. The duo group consists of Rich Crimlisk (The Warning Shots, Ducky Boys, Morgan Knockers) on vocals and guitars and Luke Mangini (Damone, The Warning Shots) on drums. RC95 originated with the single “Fade Away,” recorded and mixed by Alex Fiorentino (The Organ Beats/ Waltham) at his studio in Allston, MA. Recording came to a halt due to the COVID pandemic. Rich used his free time to animate and edit a music video for the group’s first single. With additional help with animating by Lauren Mangini (The Andwutz), the video was able to be completed at a reasonable time. This final song and video is the product of the band keeping creative, motivated, and positive with others during a rather sad time. Photo by RC95. Buy the single on Band...