Verse & Vision: Exclusive Conversation with Astrid Young on Music, Writing, and Creative Mastery

Welcome back to “Verse & Vision,” the sixth installment in our ongoing series, where we explore the multifaceted world of writing and publishing (check out the last instalment in case you missed it). When I sat down with Astrid Young, I was immediately struck by her multifaceted artistic journey. As the daughter of esteemed journalist and novelist Scott Alexander Young and the sister of Canadian music icon Neil Young, Astrid’s creative lineage is undeniable. Yet, her career is a testament to her unique talents and relentless pursuit of artistic excellence. From her early days as a musician to her ventures into screenwriting and authorship, Astrid has carved out a distinct path in the arts. In our conversation, she delved into her inspirations, her creative process, and the experi...

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