NEWS 2020/02/12
Back in September, Starset released their third album Divisions and it was every bit as cinematically epic as you could hope. If you’re not familiar with the band, they specialise in genre-spanning concept albums that deal with complex sci-fi themes. Frontman Dustin Bates has a reputation for being a deep thinker – so we threw 13 probing questions at him to see what he’d come up with… Why should people listen to your new album, Divisions?“Because it kicks ass! It’s a continuation of the cinematic sound of our first two records, but it also has evolved into something new. Also, in an era of streaming it doesn’t cost you a lot to check out a new record. You don’t have to go to a record store and pay money so give it a couple of minutes and see if you love it. I think there’s a good chan...