It’s WrestleMania 36 this weekend! For wrestling fans, this is basically Christmas Day, the Super Bowl and your 21st birthday all rolled in to one night of glorious grappling action. And while The Grandaddy Of Them All is the ultimate in professional wrestling, it’s not necessarily the most metal show – especially when you consider the official theme this year is by OneRepublic. But there have been a number of metal moments in WWE history, and we’re going to count down the ten best for you right now. And if you’re not down with that, we’ve got two words for ya… 10. The Headbangers Being Headbangers The only WWE Superstars to be billed as actual metalheads, The Headbangers (or Mosh and Thrasher to their mums) would wrestle in Marilyn Manson shirts, shave their heads and paint thei...
Live from the.. -CD+Blry-
CD + Blu-ray. By 1974, the Alice Cooper group had risen to the upper echelon of rock stardom... and then, parted ways. In October 2015, over 40 years later, record store owner and superfan Chris Penn convinced the original line-up to reunite for a very special performance at his record store Good Records in Dallas, Texas. Alice Cooper (vocals), Michael Bruce (guitar), Dennis Dunaway (bass) and Neal Smith (drums) were joined on stage by Alice's current guitarist Ryan Roxie (standing in for the late Glen Buxton). A packed audience, believing they had come to Good Records for Dennis Dunaway's 'Snakes! Guillotines! Electric Chairs!' book signing, were surprised to bear witness to a full-blown happening. The historic reunion show including all-time classics such as "No More Mr. Nice Guy", "I'm Eighteen" and "School's Out" is now becoming available for the very first time worldwide. Luckily the event was documented. "Live From The Astroturf, Alice Cooper" (edited and directed by Steven Gaddis) toured the world to the acclaim of music fans and rock journalists alike. The documentary won multiple awards for it's coverage of the historic event. Now all Alice Cooper fans and rock music lovers across the globe can enjoy this movie as it's included as a video bonus to this live album. Pop the popcorn, blow up the balloons, dim the lights, and crank it up!
唯一無二!ゴシック・ロックのカリスマ、マリリン・マンソンの10作目となるアルバム『ヘヴン・アップサイド・ダウン』緊急リリース!名盤『アンチクライスト・スーパースター』と『メカニカル・アニマルズ』が合わさった暴力的なサウンドに仕上がっていると本人が自負する衝撃の新作! ゴシック・ロックのカリスマ、マリリン・マンソンの10作目となるアルバム『ヘヴン・アップサイド・ダウン』を緊急リリース!前作『ザ・ペイル・エンペラー』のダークなシンガー・ソングライター風の作品とは一線を画し、96年の名盤『アンチクライスト・スーパースター』と、98年の『メカニカル・アニマルズ』が合わさったような激しくブルータルでありながらポップなサウンド!コンセプトは今日の世界政治情勢の問題提起等々、今まで以上に挑発的でテーマ性の強い作品。 ロバート・カランザ(マーズ・ヴォルタ、ジャック・ジョンソン)がミックスを担当、マスタリングにはブライアン・ルーシー(アークティック・モンキーズ、ゴースト)を起用。