Tattoo Talk: Diamond Weapon’s Louis Tentsos and Jason Bradfield Tell Us All About Their Tats

Who said Craigslist was only good for buying used cars and finding ads for questionable paid studies? The members of Diamond Weapon have both Craigslist and Kijiji to thank for the formation of their band when in late 2016 they came upon each other and quickly found a lot of common musical ground. All four musicians found similar tastes in punk and post-hardcore, which led to some jamming sessions and eventually, songwriting. Now, the group is preparing to release their brand new, six-song EP, Eyes, this summer, an aggressive, chaotic-sounding batch of bangers that are a little left of center. The songs are straightforward and adventurous, exploring the darker side of life, like guns, violence, heartbreak, and justice, or the lack thereof. Among Diamond Weapon’s career highlights thus far ...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon