Scottish crossover hardcore pack HARD STARE kick off the week strong – new wild track “You Decide… But Why?” streaming

Lev from Scottish hardcore band KINGPIN guested with their hard-hitting jams on IDIOTEQ almost 10 years ago, and today we’re pleased to give you his still relevantly new project called, fast thrash hardcore crew HARD STARE. A little over a year since the premiere of their debut EP, the band is back with their new EP this week, and today we’re stoked to give you an early listen of one of the new songs, a wild banger called “You Decide… But Why?”! Hard Stare are a 4-piece crossover band from various parts of Scotland. Over the past few years, the term “crossover” has come to be shorthand for “sounds like Power Trip“, but with all the respect in the world for Power Trip – an amazing band that Hard Stare vocalist Lev had the privilege...

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