On his new album Grandpa Metal, comedian Brian Posehn makes a point of covering all of metal’s most tried and true song subjects, but always at an unpredictable angle. The crushing opener about the Devil is mostly about Satan being a shithead (“They don’t play Slayer in Hell!”), while the Viking metal song featuring Amon Amarth’s Johan Hegg is about how Posehn’s ancient Swedish would be disgusted by him. Of course, in classic metal fashion, there’s also a kind of gross song about sex with a lot of poorly-veiled references to the male member, titled Big Fat Rock — and in classic Posehn fashion, it’s taken to a hilariously uncomfortable place. “The last Judas Priest record, the one that just came out, it had a song that was…not JUST innuendo, but all stuff...
History Of Mötley Crüe: Follow The Evolution Of Music With Chronological Crue Vol. 1 (English Edition) Kindle版
Discover the definitive source of fact on Mötley Crüe with Chronological Crue! This highly-acclaimed rock history website has been read millions of times and is used by TV networks, music industry journalists, critics, and fans as an invaluable reference. First published in paperback during 2006 and having been out-of-print for many years, this expanded and updated second edition includes a Foreword by Neil Strauss, the best-selling author of The Dirt. With over a quarter-million words in over 1,000 pages across all 4 volumes - Vol 1. The Eighties, Vol 2. The Nineties, Vol 3. The Naughties, Vol 4. The Onesies - you won't want to miss out! Volume 4. takes readers through to the last concert of The Final Tour on Crue Year’s Eve 2015 and also contains a bonus Gigography that lists every Motley Crue performance - over 1,700 in total! Get ready to find out the real truth behind the highest highs and lowest lows in the Crüe’s perilous kingdom of sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll with Chronological Crue!
ロックンロールを救う逆襲の復活作! FOB狂想曲が鳴り響き、ボクたちは再びボクたちの歌を取り戻す! ■2007年リリースのアルバム『インフィニティ・オン・ハイ-星月夜』が全米チャート初登場1位を獲得、日本でもオリコン・チャートで初登場11位を記録するなど、全世界の音楽シーンに強烈なインパクトを与え、夏フェスでも大人気だったフォール・アウト・ボーイが3年ぶりに戻ってくる。 ■新曲となる「My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up)」は配信開始してすぐに米英のiTunes で2位になるなどそのパワーを見せつけた。 ■すでにサマーソニック2013に出演決定!! ■〝僕たちがまだキッズだった頃、音楽こそが日常をやり過ごしてくれた唯一の存在だったんだ。だからこそ僕たちはフォール・アウト・ボーイというバンドをはじめたんだ。僕たちは解散していたわけではないからこれは再結成ではないんだ。僕たちは原点に立ちかえり自分たちにとって大切である音楽をつくる必要があったんだ。フォール・アウト・ボーイの未来はここに始まる。ロックンロールを救おう…。” -Fall Out Boy 【収録予定曲】 「My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up)」他。