Displaying the thin line between love and hate, Eddie Boy’s “Si Se Puede Amar” featuring Marina Mia is a candid reflection of life post-hardship. Out July 29, the track which translates to “it’s possible to love” was created after a time of emotional turmoil, the artist explains. “After a breakup, I just seemed to hate everything about myself and it took a minute to be able to love myself again,” he says. Written alongside the talented Brazilian-Argentinian singer Marina Mia, the track begins with her in Spanish. “Se que te extrañas, lo puedo ver. Por el reflejo, puedo entender. Miles de dudas, miles de miedos, tantas preguntas. Cómo lo haremos?” she sings. Essentially, she is doubting and questioning herself. She asks the question, “how will we do this?” The “we” in question, as Eddie exp...