Drain announce tour with Terror, Scowl, Angel Du$t, Madball, End It & more

Drain are doing it again! Like last year, they’re going on a massive headlining tour with so many other bands from the hardcore scene that it’s basically a mini festival. Terror and End It are on all dates, Scowl are on leg one and Angel Du$t are on leg two, and select shows are with Madball, Regulate, King Nine, Twitching Tongues, Mindforce, God’s Hate, H2O, Haywire, Trail of Lies, Mutually Assured Destruction, Cosmic Joke, Dead Heat, and Slugger. Wow! “”The Good Good Tour is so insanely stacked that it looks like a fake fest generated by someone’s Spotify Wrapped haha,” Drain vocalist Sammy Ciaramitaro says. “There is literally something for everyone across the wide varying sound of hardcore. We hand picked each band and are so amazed at how well the lineup ...

記事が移動しました。新しいURL: https://www.brooklynvegan.com/drain-announce-tour-with-terror-scowl-angel-dut-madball-end-it-more/

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