NEWS 2020/03/10
DIE ANOTHER DAY - Wild Fire Genre: Metalcore Location: Calgary, AB Links to band: "This is where the head-banging begins. Jared wrote this very aggressive riff and began adding all the extra synth parts that really make the song come together. To us, this is a song that really knocks you off your feet; when that chorus hits the first time, all I could picture was a crowd exploding into this giant mosh pit, and if you aren’t moshing, then those gang vocals will get your voice nice and warm when you join in on the fun. The lyrics are based upon my experience of living in negativity (both physically and men...
メタルコアの帝王がついに復活! ティム・ランベシス(ヴォーカル)が復帰し、活動を再開させたアズ・アイ・レイ・ダイングが7年ぶりとなる待望の復活アルバム『シェイプド・バイ・ファイア』を発表! メロディックにテクニカルに、そしてアグレッシヴに進化した最高傑作が完成!
2010 release, the fifth album from the Alt-Metal outfit, produced by Mike Elizondo (Dr. Dre, Eminem) and mixed by noted engineer Andy Wallace. The album is the first from the band without drummer James the Rev Sullivan, who passed away in December. Dream Theater drummer Mike Portnoy plays drums on the album. Over the years, Avenged Sevenfold has built a fanatical fan base that includes more than one million fans on Facebook. They have also attracted 93 million plays on MySpace.