Dark Horses: Why Unto Others have the strength to be heavy music’s next big thing

“Big sunglasses, very important,” declared Darkthrone mainman Fenriz during his legendary 2005 living room interview with German publication RockHard. ​“Always, big sunglasses – cool band!” By that abstract measure, Portland collective Unto Others are surely the most exciting outfit in metal at the start of 2022. There’s a seductive timelessness about their trademark all-black attire, gleaming aviators and command of goth, death and classic metal motifs. Dig beneath the aesthetic, though, and there is an energy that could hardly feel more relevant in the here and now.  “We had a rough 2020,” sighs imposing frontman Gabriel Franco, blinking bare-eyed into the cold light of day. Although he’s conscious that particular 12 months was an annus horribilis for absolutely every...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon