NEWS 2022/01/04
O Leopardo have released the video for BH City Chaos that was directed by Lucas Hell and Pedro Vasseur. The song describes how the city of Belo Horizonte has become a cold and inhospitable place due to the dystopian times we live in with the Covid-19 pandemic, the social crisis, recession, hunger and Brazilian democracy under threat. “A pulsating yet somber song, captivating yet catastrophic. A punk ska with well-traveled lyrics playing between life and death, nostalgia for the past and fear of the present.” (O Leopardo) BH City Chaos appears on the Mundo Selvagem EP which is available via Bandcamp. The song’s energetic vibe carries echoes of Madness, The Specials, Rancid and The Clash, the track also features Henrique Staino from Iconili and Desorquestra‘s Marc...