BLUEOX Soothes Souls with Their “Agogo” Music Video [Premiere]

Are you ready for a jam of the old-school variety? How about a wayback playback for all of you FM radio lovers out there? Because that’s what you get, plain and simple, from BLUEOX and their latest music video for “Agogo,” lifted from their debut, self-titled album which just so happens to also be coming out today! The song has just the right amount of everything in it; a mishmash of blues, hip-hop, R&B, and rock. It stays true to the band’s anything-goes attitude when it comes to songwriting and their creative production techniques which help emphasize that old-school vibe. With his thoughts on “Agogo,” and its accompanying video, producer and multi-instrumentalist Donny Dykowsky said, “It’s an afrobeat song with layered rhythms and group vocals cradling an interdimensional love story...

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