‘Beneath The Fold’ Acquired by Freestyle Digital Media for October Release

Freestyle Digital Media, the digital film distribution division of Byron Allen’s Allen Media Group, has acquired North American VOD rights to the journalism-themed noir crime-drama Beneath The Fold (IMBD page here). Starting on October 8th, 2024, it will be available to rent/own on all North American digital HD internet, cable, satellite platforms, and DVD. In the vein of the classic 1957 movie 12 Angry Men, Beneath The Fold tells a gritty story about the dying days of print media, which takes place entirely within the conference room of a financially struggling upstate New York newspaper at the height of the 2007-2009 recession. The plot involves a team of local news people who cope with the realities of a changing world, waning resources, and a clash of personalities. The time and circum...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon